Saturday, May 1, 2010

Losing America

Arizona is shining a spotlight on our souls as Americans.  The immigration debate is healthy, Arizona's law a tragedy.  We stand at the precipice of principles.

Immigration is the foundation of this country. As every school child knows, the Pilgrims arrived on this land to escape persecution. Throughout the following centuries, an eclectic mix of peoples set foot upon America from every corner of the planet, for myriad reasons. Yet, there has been one constant over the last almost 400 years that defines our country.  America is the land of opportunity, be it for economic, religious, or social motives.  We owe our lives to the tenet inscribed long ago on the Statue of Liberty.

America has a unique place in human history. Only something so powerful as equality, freedom and opportunity can draw a man here. Starvation, insecurity, or a wretched economy are factors that drive a man from his home. Both have combined for centuries to make America the shining beacon upon a hill.

Today, 70% of Arizona supports a law which gives police the right to determine a person’s immigration status. It is understandable why it passed. For years Arizona has had to deal with an influx of immigrants for which its economy, schools and hospitals cannot cope. It is not fair that those here legally, residents and citizens alike, must pay higher costs and taxes to cover illegal immigrants. Also, there have been crimes attributed to those here illegally. The Arizona/Mexico border is a porous transit point for drugs, guns and coyotes. The Federal Government tried building a fence that did not help.  Then, Arizona took the matter of illegal immigration into its own hands.

We know there is a problem with illegal immigration that is not limited to Arizona. California and Texas face similar challenges.  Surely, in other areas such as New York City, Atlanta, and Boston, social services are stressed as well due to illegal immigrants. But, there seems to be no backlash nor any pending law allowing local police to determine one’s immigration status based solely on looks and an officer’s impression.

There are murders, rapes and robberies committed in this country every day. Some acts are committed by Blacks, some by Whites, some by Asians, some by illegal immigrants. We do not lower the crime rate by asking every Black man to prove they did not committ a crime.  We will not lower the risk of terrorism if we ask each Arab to prove their innocence.  Is it acceptable, therefore, to ask someone for documentation proving residency, so as to limit the crime of illegal immigration? 

As America dives deeper into this polarizing debate, we cannot lose sight of our principles. If we were disgusted by the Nazis in Germany forcing Jews to carry identification; if we are shamed by how we rounded up the Japanese and forced them into our own concentration camps; if we love America and all that she stands for, then remember what the Statue of Liberty has been telling the world for 125 years:

“Give me your tired, your poor; Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
America is not about presuming guilt; it is not about ignoring due process; it is not about associating color and ethnicity with a crime; it is not about repeating the mistakes of our past. America is about hope, opportunity, equality and the rule of law.  Arizona’s law is inconsistent with America and it is not the solution to illegal immigration. It pushes us over the precipice and we will plummet to a future without our principles.  E Pluribus Unum.

Friday, April 2, 2010

You Can't Keep Hiding in the Closet

Not all of America went gaga over the Revolution of 2009. The swearing in of a mixed race President was groundbreaking. Yet, his Socialist tendencies, the crux of this reform, were met with general ignorance typical of so many Americans. In some corners of the land warning flags went up, as the foreshadowing was ominous.

When early on in his Presidency, Barack Obama smiled and shook hands with Hugo Chavez and received happily the Venezuelan’s gift, no great concern came over America. After all, he had promised in his election campaign that the world would see a new America.  Obama the Quixotic would attempt to repair the purported damage done by his predecessor over his eight year reign as the most powerful man in the world.

That moment of utter glee was truly the most foreboding image for America.  Today, it is difficult to differentiate between Chavez and Obama. Chavez is a declared Socialist who rallies the downtrodden by attacking the well-off with threats, taxes and the government takeover of industries. By increasing the size of his government and making people either reliant on or fearful of his government, Chavez guarantees his power.

President Obama, in the span of one year, has rallied the less fortunate of America to his side under the guise of healthcare. He has given special consideration to unions. Obama has taken over the General Motors, student loans and has made no secret of his desire to strangle the financial sector with greater regulation. He is rapdily growing the breadth and reach of government and the people's reliance on it. This is a powergrab to ensure his party's power.  Barack Obama's villains are those that he defines as rich.  There are known and soon to be known taxes that will continue the choke hold on anyone who makes over $150,000 per year. Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary has threatened the insurance agencies to not find loopholes in the new law. Just yesterday, Obama warned his critics to lay off.

Hugo Chavez has consistently ignored his country’s constitution.  In passing the healthcare bill and relying on parliamentary procedures, President Obama has disregarded America's Constitution. Nowhere in our Constitution is healthcare mentioned. Every school child learns in civics classes that whatever is not enumerated in the Constitution is left to the states. Constitutional scholars should have a field day with the disregard for freedom of speech, government not being able to force something upon the people which they do not want, unreasonable search and seizure, and giving preferential monetary treatment to any state in the act of regulating commerce. In addition, we have lately seen President Obama approve new laws without the consent of Congress (automobile fuel efficiency, lead paint, ships in ports).

From a distance, President Obama’s blatant ignorance of the Constitution may be taken by some as acceptable for a greater, socialistic good. His passage of these new laws may seem innocuous. But, it is the underlying current driving these changes that is of grave concern. This second American Revolution was not the election of a mixed race President; it was the beginning of the deconstruction of 233 years of the greatest country and society created by man and the quick alignment with one of the world's flagbearer for socialism.

The reality is that Barack Obama’s gaga moment with Hugo Chavez foreshadowed what only a few people screamed about in 2009. The one main difference between the two is that Chavez is an avowed socialist and Obama is a closet socialist. Yet, their actions mirror each other and one cannot deny that today the parallels between the two are uncanny.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Digging of the Grave

Let the Democrats dig their graves. Our government is an absolute disgrace. We are supposed to be the example of democracy for all those other countries struggling (Iraq) to free themselves from tyranny to be able to control their own destinies. Today, the disconnect between elected officials and the public, plus the inefficiency of government and its gargantuan debt, means America is closer to a Banana Republic than that bright shining beacon upon a hill.

It is unfathomable today how America can call itself a democracy when our President and Congress do not respect the will of the people. The majority of America did not want the healthcare bill passed into law. Poll after poll after poll confirmed this. What Americans wanted in fact was for the Democrats to focus on the economy and get us out of this awful recession. Pelosi said that passing healthcare was the will of the people. No, Nancy, it was not. You are sounding like Castro who disregards the will of Cuban people.  Hopefully next year you will be "the people."

Broken promises and backroom deals are classic operating procedures for today's elected officials. Transparency? Never happened. Was the bill posted online as was promised by President Obama for five days? No, it wasn't. It's all moot now anyway. Besides, no one can read a 2000 page PhD level dissertation, digest it, and understand it in a few days. We have enough problems understanding the credit card disclaimer pamphlet.  Why is there muted revolt with the Louisiana Purchase, Cornhusker Kickback, Executive Orders and other underhanded tactics? 

Inviting Republicans for an all day soiree on live television was nothing but a joke. The Democrats said they wanted to take into consideration their opinions.  This is akin to due process in China, Iran or North Korea, where the other side is allowed to speak but will not be listened to by the judges.  It makes for excellent theatre.  The Republicans allowed themselves to be played for fools.

The impact of this health care law on our economy is completely unknown. It is frightening to all except the ones who cannot think logically for themselves and blindly follow what the Democrats say.  What will the impact be on corporations?  Caterpillar was the first one to give us a glimpse into the future.  If a company has to cut benefits, fire OR not hire people, it will not matter as the enlarged government net will take care of those that could otherwise be employed.  When more people rely on government, the more votes the Democrats will get.  

How will health care be paid for? Well, politician math is always wrong. Is there any government run entity that is actually efficient and works within budget? None. Do we want healthcare to follow in the footsteps of the IRS, Postal Service, Amtrak, Medicare, GM and Fannie Mae? 

How will the quality of healthcare be impacted? The reality is no one knows. We do have the highest quality healthcare in the world, period. We have the best trained doctors, the most advanced technology, with the least wait period for specialists. Some things work. Of course, some others could be improved. The Democrats simply threw the baby out with the bathwater on this one.

When government is over budget it borrows or raises taxes. Inevitably, taxes must go up to deal with healthcare, the debt and entitlements. What will this additional burden be on companies and taxpayers? When taxes are high, people don't save, spend and nor do companies. When less money is spent, fewer things are purchased and less taxes are collected. The welfare wheels will just go round and round, round and round, all day long. From 1998-2008, the federal debt as a percentage of GDP went from 58%-70% a high number from all angles. Or, it grew about 1% per year. In 2009, the federal debt went from 70%-86%, a 20% jump in one year. America cannot continue growing government and adding to the debt. Healthcare is the linchpin in this grenade.

There are too many questions and no answers from the Democrats. Political speak means nothing. But, by the time we do get our answers, it will be too late. Yet, we have only ourselves to blame.  America's knee-jerk reaction vote in 2008 brought us this shift toward Chicago style politics and socialism.  America was forewarned.  But, we did not listen, we made our bed and have to sleep in it until hopefully only 2011.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What Now?

Today marks the beginning of the end for America, as it is the day where lies, corruption, deception and ignorance have become our new Constitution.

In the march toward healthcare reform, Washington has trampled on the values that made this country the greatest example of Democracy.  Every single poll showed the majority of Americans against passage of this bill.  Also, no poll showed passing healthcare a priority over improving the economy.  So, what happened to representative government and the will of the people? We can only guess and leave it to historians to debate this in the future.

Americans have been powerless to stop Washington's infatuation with socialized healthcare and the trampling of the Constitution.  This feeling of powerlessness is reflected in America's approval ratings for Congress. It is astounding that while Congress has a 15% approval rating and the majority of Americans did not want to pass this healthcare bill, it was voted into law anyway. What a way to snub your nose at the citizens. What does that say about how Washington views the rest of the country?

Over a year ago, we were told about transparency.  It never occurred.  Washington has openly paid Senators hundreds of millions of dollars for their votes for healthcare.  In other countries that would be called a bribe.  Here it is even flaunted.  This is corruption in its purest form.  It is the antithesis of what our founding father's bequeathed us in the Constitution.     

Are we wrong in feeling so much gloom?  Washington does not listen to America, so we are right in feeling powerless.  We told our elected representatives in Washington to fix the economy first.  Yet, they hung on to the healthcare bone like a famished bulldog and didn’t obey the master’s will.  They hunger for the history books but not for doing right by the citizens.  We should fear for our future.

The news all around us is negative. Being a Generation X-er, I have never seen unemployment at 10%. Yet here it is and experts say, “get used to it.” Debt. I can’t even comprehend how much money America owes. All I know is that if my personal expenses and debt were as bad as my country’s, I’d be bankrupt, without credit and unable to get loans. People are losing their homes across the nation. This feeling of despair has not translated into action by our government. It’s priorities are skewed. They are drunk on power and relentless to go into history as the ones that finally got healthcare passed.

It is good that four years from now an adult will not be denied healthcare coverage for a pre-existing condition.  What is cataclismic is that today's government will go down in history as the one that developed a parallel constitution, ignored the people and dumped America into chaos.

Friday, January 22, 2010

An Ideal State of the Union Speech

Dear Americans: 

This, my second State of the Union address, will be one of atonement.

Folks, no longer can the charades continue.  For the past 12 months, I have really messed up.  It's been quite a challenge going from community organizer to Senator and then on to the Presidency in four short years. 

I have been infatuated with reforming healthcare.  Simply, I just wanted to go down in history as the one who finally did it.  Nancy, behind me, has as well.  We never listened to you and I was selfish.  All along, I ignored the 2/3 of you that were against this health care reform. 

Bipartisanship.  I promised it.  It sounded so good.  Being frank, it helped me get elected.  Yes, I lied to you.  It started on day two when I first blamed ole Dubya.  It was just so easy.  Then it got out of control and this became the hymn for us Democrats.  

I told you, America, it would not be business as usual.  But, you know what they say back in Chicago don't you?  Friends and family are important.  Some very good friends of mine are from Louisiana, Nebraska and in the unions.  The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is clear, something we hold dear to our hearts, yet I have not.

I do not have the courage to fight terrorism and treat the bad guys as combatants.  Please understand my intentions were good, as were Chamberlain's so many years ago.  I felt that if we demonstrated to the world that the rule of law could prevail, then they would follow along.  Now, I know, there really are bad guys out there that want to kill all of you.

My insecurity prevents me from addressing important issues such as China, Iran and the rebirth of Russia.  Putin intimidates me - he is really tough, a man's man.  I've never been a fan of Chinese food.  Nuclear bombs scare me.  I saw Chavez of Venezuela as a misunderstood man, so much so that I read the book he gave me many times over.   

Most importantly, I have to admit that for over a year I have ignored our economy.  This has contributed directly and indirectly to our demise.  It was my belief that it would rectify itself with the billions I stole from your pockets, while I focused on healthcare and how I would look on Mt. Rushmore.

Lastly, I need to clear one more thing up with all Americans, a basic lesson in Government.  If any party should be at fault for our demise, it must be us, the Democrats.  We have controlled Congress, ever since I was just a community organizer.  Congress makes the laws and passes the laws.  For over a year, we have also controlled the Presidency.  Now, things are worse now than ever.  

In closing, please support Republicans in November, just as Massachusetts did a few days back, because we, Democrats, have really screwed America.

Thank you and may God Bless America once again in 2011.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Democrats Feel Blue About Brown

Fight or flight.  It is has all come undone for the Democrats. The dream is over.  Scott Brown,  Republican, an unknown merely three weeks ago, has conquered Massachusetts, the Mount Everest of liberal states.  How did this happen - that is what the nation is asking today.

Senator Elect Brown's ascent is an epic moment in America's history. For the past year, there have been monumental events unfolding both here and abroad.  America finds itself facing challenges not seen in generations, if ever.  Anxiety and malaise are widespread throughout the land.  No one in Washington has been listening.  Democrats have been listless, not exuding confidence but vitriol.  Now, they have no choice but to open their ears.   

The country is at a crossroads.  What do we do with healthcare, cap and trade, deficits, unemployment, the rise of China and India, the nuclear threat, and terrorism?  

The majority of the country is against the health care bill. Yet, Democrats want to ram it through and go into the history books. We are scared to death about the economy. Their only solution has been to blame Bush. Things continue to get worse.  Iran has nuclear weapons, has suffocated free speech, voting and squashed dissent. The Democrats sit idly by. Terrorists have attempted to strike the US three times in the past year. The Democrats attempt to connect the dots and want to defend their rights. Meanwhile, the rights of American citizens are not prioritized.

Americans have been clear on what they want and don't want.  It's simple.  We want confidence from our elected leaders.  All of us know we are in bad shape across the board.  The Democrats turned a deaf ear to us. Their's is an insulated world where there is no consequence.  They have not communicated confidence and we, down here, are unsure of their direction.  They have ruled through dissonance and now the consequences are evident.    

Americans wanted a change for 2009.  The Democrats misnterpreted this.  The change we wanted was confidence.  A simple message from Washington such as, "We hear you, we know things are tough, they will get better and this is how we will do it."  No such message can be heard behind closed Democrat doors.

Now, after losing their super majority, Democrat arrogance has led to infighting and the squabbling has begun.  Massachusetts pulled the pin.  The Coakley and Obama camps sound like pre-pubescent teenagers.  The house of Obama and Pelosi is blowing up before us. 

Pelosi feels she has the pulse of the nation running through her veins. She is adamant about passing health care one way or another.  Forget about building confidence or listening to Americans.  This will be suicidal for the Democrats. Massachusetts saved the nation but not the Democrats. How ironic.

Scott Brown, Republican, was elected Senator in the most Democratic state in nation. It was another shot heard round the world. How he won will be studied by Political Science students for years to come.  Hopefully, the Republicans begin studying now to prepare for November 2010.