Monday, March 22, 2010

What Now?

Today marks the beginning of the end for America, as it is the day where lies, corruption, deception and ignorance have become our new Constitution.

In the march toward healthcare reform, Washington has trampled on the values that made this country the greatest example of Democracy.  Every single poll showed the majority of Americans against passage of this bill.  Also, no poll showed passing healthcare a priority over improving the economy.  So, what happened to representative government and the will of the people? We can only guess and leave it to historians to debate this in the future.

Americans have been powerless to stop Washington's infatuation with socialized healthcare and the trampling of the Constitution.  This feeling of powerlessness is reflected in America's approval ratings for Congress. It is astounding that while Congress has a 15% approval rating and the majority of Americans did not want to pass this healthcare bill, it was voted into law anyway. What a way to snub your nose at the citizens. What does that say about how Washington views the rest of the country?

Over a year ago, we were told about transparency.  It never occurred.  Washington has openly paid Senators hundreds of millions of dollars for their votes for healthcare.  In other countries that would be called a bribe.  Here it is even flaunted.  This is corruption in its purest form.  It is the antithesis of what our founding father's bequeathed us in the Constitution.     

Are we wrong in feeling so much gloom?  Washington does not listen to America, so we are right in feeling powerless.  We told our elected representatives in Washington to fix the economy first.  Yet, they hung on to the healthcare bone like a famished bulldog and didn’t obey the master’s will.  They hunger for the history books but not for doing right by the citizens.  We should fear for our future.

The news all around us is negative. Being a Generation X-er, I have never seen unemployment at 10%. Yet here it is and experts say, “get used to it.” Debt. I can’t even comprehend how much money America owes. All I know is that if my personal expenses and debt were as bad as my country’s, I’d be bankrupt, without credit and unable to get loans. People are losing their homes across the nation. This feeling of despair has not translated into action by our government. It’s priorities are skewed. They are drunk on power and relentless to go into history as the ones that finally got healthcare passed.

It is good that four years from now an adult will not be denied healthcare coverage for a pre-existing condition.  What is cataclismic is that today's government will go down in history as the one that developed a parallel constitution, ignored the people and dumped America into chaos.

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